Provision of Public Goods and Corporate Social Responsibility Paradigm: Theoretical Insights

Provision of Public Goods and Corporate Social Responsibility Paradigm: Theoretical Insights

Abstract- The main aim of this research is to align the theory of public goods, provided by agriculture, next to the paradigms of corporate social responsibility. To reach the aim, holistic approach and systemic methodology was applied. Systematization and interpretation of scientific literature, as well as induction and deduction methods enabled to disclose the main features of public goods provided by agriculture and describe its linkages to relevant paradigms of CSR, emphasized by multidimensional models, from theoretical point of view. It was found, that three-dimensional and stakeholder approaches towards CSR are most promising paradigms to be employed in the analysis of public goods provision in rural areas.

Keywords- Public goods; corporate social responsibility; theories; models.

Vilkė, R. 2017. Provision of Public Goods and Corporate Social Responsibility Paradigm: Theoretical Insights, International Journal ofScience and Engineering Investigations 6(60):218-225. ISSN 2251-8843 [JournalSeek; Electronic Journals Library; Open Access Journals; Google Scholar; Scribd; CiteSeer; getCITED; New Jour; SciRate; IndexCopernicus(ICV 2015: 81.05); docstoc; DOAJ; SCIRUS; WorldCat; Microsoft Academic Search; GEO-LEO; Berlin Science Center; Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Mathematik; Bibliothekssystem Universitat Hamburg; Max Perutz Library; Universitat Des Saarlands; TU Clausthal; Hochschule Hannover; Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig; HFMT; Cabell's Directories; WorldWideScience; United States Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Library(USDA); GeonD; Analytical Sciences Digital Library; Arastirmax; ERIC; SOCOL@R; Oil and Gas Technologies and Analytics].